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Article: How to Choose the Right Perfume When Buying Online?

How to Choose the Right Perfume When Buying Online?

Post pandemic there has been a sudden surge in retail therapy with earning INR 69.2 trillion. Whether you are buying apparel or beauty products, online shopping has become one of the most convenient methods of retail therapy, especially for Gen Z and Millennials. However, while you can shop for clothes and beauty products online, we fathom the confusion and stress in buying the right perfume online without a sniff of it.

Here are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind next time when you are buying a perfume online.

Study The Fragrance Families
One of the first things you should do when shopping for a fragrance is to understand the different types of scents. Each perfume is based on one of the four fragrance families - fresh, floral, oriental, and woody. By learning to recognize which fragrance family a scent belongs to, you can begin to narrow down your options and find your favorite online.

Fresh fragrances are generally crisp and refreshing, while floral scents can range from light and delicate to more complex. Oriental fragrances are often warm and sweet, sometimes with a bit of added spice. These fragrances are often opulent and rich. Woody fragrances are also warming and can be split into two categories - earthy, sweet scents and smoky, leathery smells.

Research Your Fragrance History
The best way to begin your online shopping of perfumes is to be aware of the scents which you have worn before. This can be studied with your perfume history, and the fragrances you pick even in your scented candles. Every perfume holds a scent with its top, middle and bottom notes which describe the purpose of the fragrance and the emotion it highlights.

Such as, if you are someone who enjoys a fresh, and sweet aroma, then you are someone who prefers a perfume like Manifest Luxury Perfume which consists of a natural blend of cooling sage, crisp and refreshing cucumber, with a vibrancy of rich oak, moss, and jasmine. And if you are inclined towards a fragrance which opens with a burst of orange, and tangy grapefruit, then you will enjoy wearing long lasting Freedom Luxury Perfume. As the name suggests, these scents will leave an unforgettable impression of the wearer, and enhance emotions for those around them. .

Focus on the Packaging of the Perfume
When you shop your fragrance online, you do not have the freedom to take a whiff of the fragrance to make a decision but the packaging gives you a glimpse of the product. Often the perfume packaging is enough to provide an insight into the fragrance family it belongs to. Although this is not a hard and fast rule, shades of blue are associated with fresh and clean scents that have a breezy quality to them. On the other hand, shades of red usually indicate a sultry and spicy scent. And, luxurious scents that are best worn in the evening tend to come in golden packaging, and they are likely to be more intense and heady in nature.

Read the Reviews Carefully
With every purchase online, reviews come in handy. And for perfumes, it is essential to pay attention to the description and ingredients to ensure buying the right product. Perfumes are personal for everyone, but people often leave reviews about the longevity of the scent and how powerful or subtle the notes are for them. Hence, online reviews enable you to visualize and feel the perfume through your screen and the ones to look out for to make a mindful purchase.

With unisex perfumes in the market today, you are free to choose the fragrance which suits your personality, the emotions you wish to evoke for yourself and others around you.. There are several men who buy floral, sweet fragrances, and several women wear musk, wood and leather fragrances. So, with these tips in mind, you are now ready to buy a long lasting perfume online with the convenience of your home.

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